Event Calendar

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Educate: Student Loan Repayment: Payoff Strategies & Case Studies

Start Date: 12/4/2024 12:00 PM CST
End Date: 12/4/2024 1:00 PM CST

United States 

Event Website: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsc-qgrDoqE9wUAtAoAryyvdlRYGL_7QZy

Organization Name: Nebraska Pharmacists Association

Haley Pertzborn, PharmD, RP
Email: haley.pertzborn@npharm.org
Phone: (402) 281-1595

Student Loan Repayment
Are your student loans weighing you down? With today’s pharmacy graduates facing an average debt of $160,000, navigating the many repayment options and finding the right payoff plan can feel overwhelming. Join us for a free, must-attend webinar featuring Your Financial Pharmacist Co-Founder & CEO, Tim Ulbrich, PharmD. Tim will walk you through essential loan payoff strategies, share insights into the latest federal loan repayment updates, and help you determine if you're on track with your repayment plan. Don’t miss this chance to ease your financial stress and take control of your future! Registration is open to members only.