Pharmacy Technician Self-Study Materials |
From home or work, at your own pace, use these self-study materials to prepare for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Exam.
Number: PTCB14thEdition
Shipping Weight: 0lbs. 0oz. |
$90.00 |
These self-study materials include a Pharmacy Certified Technician Training Manual and CD-ROM with master drug table, glossary, and answer key, as well as the Pharmacy Certified Technician Calculations Workbook and accompanying CD-ROM that includes step-by-step math and problem answers. Learn more about the PTCB exam at www.ptcb.org.
The package price is $74.95, plus $15.05 for USPS priority shipping. Please allow 3 - 5 days for processing. |